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Old 12-28-2014, 08:27 PM   #7350 (permalink)
Scarlett O'Hara
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Originally Posted by Freebase Dali View Post
If you want me to go around and look for things I think about dudes, let me know. I'm sorry if your face is the most shocking thing that I see on this website that causes me to have an opinion that kinda rides on the top of all the rest.

Sure, I can censor myself to not have negative opinions about female members. In fact, I can rename this thread to: Spill Your Guts: What You Really Think About Male MB Members. Would that make you more secure, even though it's highly sexist for you to even think that only men are deserving of bt
rutal honesty. Really, you're not doing yourself any favors here. It's pretty f*cking obvious that you're trying to incorporate a double standard... and if you don't know it, well, I've an opinion about that too that I can put in another post in this thread.

If you prefer, you can delete this entire thread so that no one can ever thing badly of you in internet public. Granted, it's kind of a message of its own.

You decide.

How is it sexist for me saying men are not having their looks critizied? It's sexiest that women here only get their looks bashed. You knew that's what I meant so stop playing the victim.
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