Originally Posted by Freebase Dali
I wasn't giving you advice. I was giving you an opinion. If you truly don't care about other people's opinions, you wouldn't be replying to mine like a butt-hurt little school girl. Woman up and realize that your own perspective isn't the only one that exists. I'm sorry if that hurts, but it's kinda necessary if you want to traverse life not being the only one unaware of your appearance. Indeed, if you didn't care about your appearance at all, you've no reason for makeup in the first place. So, since it's established that you DO care how you appear to others, maybe some outside input could be interpreted less as an attack and more as something to keep in mind? At least, that way, you might actually be able to gain something constructive out of it.
Love ya.
Haha I'm butthurt because I don't care for your opinion? That's rich. You're butthurt because I'm calling you out for being rude and critizing me when you again brought up my make up out of nowhere. Try learning to have some respect for me instead of teaching me how life is. I don't care what people think of my make up because I wear it for my own enjoyment. I don't expect you to understand this since you don't wear make up. It's also disappointing that you think I'm trying to cover up my natural beauty because men who affiliate themselves as women wear make up because it makes them feel good and feminine. Exactly why I like it. So next time you want to call someone a tranny get off your high horse and have some respect for the transgender and transexual community.
Catch ya bb!