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Old 12-28-2014, 07:37 PM   #7321 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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Originally Posted by Vanilla View Post
It's funny because you on one hand want to give me advice so that I will then change my appearance and care what you think but on the other hand you will mock me for caring too much what a stranger thinks of me. I really don't care what you or anyone else thinks I should look like, I am strongly against people mocking women's looks. You are trying to not look like the person who said I look like a tranny but sorry it's too late for that.
I wasn't giving you advice. I was giving you an opinion. If you truly don't care about other people's opinions, you wouldn't be replying to mine like a butt-hurt little school girl. Woman up and realize that your own perspective isn't the only one that exists. I'm sorry if that hurts, but it's kinda necessary if you want to traverse life not being the only one unaware of your appearance. Indeed, if you didn't care about your appearance at all, you've no reason for makeup in the first place. So, since it's established that you DO care how you appear to others, maybe some outside input could be interpreted less as an attack and more as something to keep in mind? At least, that way, you might actually be able to gain something constructive out of it.

Love ya.
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