You were talking to me?
You said you were a patriot. I called you a patriot and said you're awesome, and then you went on a rant. Idgaf what your views are, I don't push mine on you and you've never pushed yours on me. I jokingly put silly before patriot and you go off meanwhile Bat calls you a nazi and it's no big deal. I don't even discuss politics on this forum, I don't know what got you so serious but you need to chillax.
Quoting the people you're responding to is a good idea. My comment was made directly after WD obviously I was trying to lighten the mood.
For the record: I was not the one who PMed Roxy.
I don't got a god complex, you got a simple god...
Originally Posted by elphenor
I'd vote for Trump
Last edited by DwnWthVwls; 12-26-2014 at 09:44 PM.