Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls
Damn this discussion is moving fast. Lemme try this one more time.
@Frown - philosophical question for you. Do you believe that nothing is something in and of itself? I really don't know anything about Cage and I only skimmed through the arguments for and against 433 so maybe the question is bad and not really appropriate to the subject. If you answer yes, I could see that as an argument for justifying 433 as music unless I'm misunderstanding the point Cage was trying to make with it.
Nothing is nothing, not something. I mean it is a concept, a word, but it's not a tangible, capturable, or recordable. I pondered the concept of zero for five hours on acid once, it was quite an experience

. The point of the piece is to point out how we'll never truly experience silence (an auditory nothing) because there will always be sound or music, depending on your position, so as long as we exist, silence won't.
Originally Posted by DeadChannel
Oh, okay, that then.
Would you say that 4'33 was made to prompt discussion on the nature of music?
Well, yes and no. It's a challenge to how you (the general you not you personally) perceive music, so it's bound to create discussion and Cage encouraged that. He would often stay after shows to discuss them with his audience. But I don't think that's the only thing Cage was doing with this piece. Look at interviews with him, the mother****er is STOKED about silence and sounds in almost a childlike fashion.
And it's awesome.
Originally Posted by JustinJJustin
After reading this thread, and researching it a bit, I've come to the conclusion that 4'33' is music. Not my type of music, but music nonetheless. I guess I was looking too closely to the word "silence", and taking it as I saw it. To be fair though, was 4'33' even silence? There was a bunch of different noises from the audience, like coughing and moving about. It's not something I would enjoy listening to, but sure, I'll call it music.
Whoooo! You finally got it, man, that's the whole idea of the piece.
You're next, Chula.