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Old 12-22-2014, 08:07 AM   #7060 (permalink)
RoxyRollah's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Exo_ View Post
I've never done one of these before.

Batlord - Funny like 80% of the time. I think we're friends. I could also be wrong and you may hate me. I'm not sure.

Neapolitan - Nicest member of this board. We converse a lot in Plug. He's my buddy.

Blaro - 2nd nicest member of this board. I think you also may be into Jesus too much, but you're a good person so that's cool.

bob. - Coolest mother f*cker on this board. I strive to have some of your coolness in my own life.

Whateverdude - You literally drink WAY too much. Stop it. I'm glad you got a job. I would have placed a bet that you would become homeless in a year if you had not gotten one.

DJ Cham - East coast brother. I disagree with some of what you say but honestly we haven't talked in forever and that makes me sad. I hope Herm hasn't killed your soul with fire.

Frownland - Really awesome guy. Has my back on a lot of things and is also turning into my favorite poster on the board. Hilarious and also a f*cking weirdo.

Janszoon - My favorite mod and one of the most genuine people on this board. I always value what he has to say and he likes great music. The guy is the man.

Roxy - This chick is the best. I feel like if we knew each other personally we would be friends. Great sense of humor and also a badass.

Chula Vista - Great new member and a cool dude. You're a good dad so it seems while also being a bit too happy to show off the fruit of your loins. I agree she's pretty but you're like her manager on this board. You also have reached out to me and for that I hold you in high respect. Plus, you live next to Mexico. That's just cool.

I don't feel like doing any more. Maybe later.
Daawww! Thanks brother, I am fond of you too!

Kei Kei Kei!.... "aww I made some new friends today!"
Originally Posted by GuitarBizarre View Post
Roxy is unable to perpetrate violence. It always somehow turns into BDSM between two consenting adults.
Originally Posted by Frownland
I just want to say your tits are lovely.
Originally Posted by grindy View Post
Roxy is the William S. Burroughs of our time.
Originally Posted by Neapolitan View Post
I like Roxy, she's awesome and her taste in music far exceeds yours. Roxy is in the Major League bro, and you're like a sad clown in a two bit rodeo.
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