Originally Posted by Chula Vista
Don't light up man.
*hoping all goes well - as well as it can*
Nope. I said I'm done, and I mean it. Thank you though Chula man.
Originally Posted by The Batlord
Yeah, drink instead. But don't go to a bar. You'll buy cigarettes either on the way or on the way back. Just drink at home and play the blues like a boss. Record some of that **** and upload it too. We need some blues straight from the soul on this forum.
Been too busy with moving into the new place, but I'll get right on that ASAP.
Originally Posted by Trollheart
You're a hell of a guy to do that, but then everyone knows that anyway. If she's recovered now and there is no love there, you've done the right thing, stood by her and have nothing to feel ashamed or guilty about. Time to make your own life, man. Have some fun. Go make some record executive's day by playing him your demo and getting him to be able to say "Oh yeah! I discovered that guy, you know..." 
Thanks buddy. It's time to get my own life back, and I've been telling her that for a while now. It was an amicable split, but I did see some animosity when I was loading up my truck with the last load. Such is life. It feels good to be on my own again. It's really where I need to be.
I've got a few old friends coming out of the woodwork that want to work together again. We'll see what happens with the Rec Exec's (lulz) after I get something worked out.
Originally Posted by Chula Vista
Plank's blues in 5... 4... 3... 2.... - which will slay. No doubt.
Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth
this reminds me of curb your enthusiasm when larry gets stuck with that one girl who has cancer and then can't break up with her. you should have done like larry and just cheated on her so that she would leave you instead.
As much as I'd like to oblige, and some people would find it really cool and entertaining, I'm not a complete as
shole. Thanks for the advise though, and I'll keep your suggestions in their rightful place from now on.