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Old 12-21-2014, 11:01 PM   #7056 (permalink)
moon lake inc.
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Join Date: Oct 2014
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Alright now that I've been on here for a bit and I have a bit of footing with my opinions on some of you now is my time.

Frownland: Honestly my favorite member of the forum I instantly hit it off with this guy and seems like a super cool dude. Not to mention his taste in music (I hadn't even heard of Zorn before this site) us awesome, AND Wolves In Sheepskin is ****ing awesome.

Pet_Sounds: This guy is freaking awesome as well, another early member for me that I made friends with easily. Always great to have posting and I'd miss him quite a bit if he ever stopped posting.

The Batlord: Good lord is this man funny, I don't care what anyone thinks, but his sense of humor is totally the kind that makes me laugh. Every post I see of this guy is pure gold, while he might come off as a bit of an asshole it's just his sense of humor.

Whatever Dude: He drinks a lot, too much, is ****ing funny, and seems to be into baking (I might be wrong but that's what I got out of plug). I don't know too much about his taste in music, but he seems to like a lot of garage rock.

Trollheart: Man this guy is absolutely everywhere, by far the most contributing member of the forum, and sometimes I feel like the guy puts too much on himself and the futility of the forum. Alas the forum wouldn't be the same without him, and the journals would probably die out without his leadership.

Mondo Bungle: This guy seems to be a really consist ably good poster and has a cool taste in music nothing I'm all that into, but you never know if I ever need a black metal recommendation I'm going to Mondo.

DeadChannel: He's new, and he's insanely active. He's already shown himself as a presence in the forum in his short time here, and I adore his music taste.

Chula Vista: At first to be honest I didn't really care for the guy, I thought he was too active, and made himself seem like he had been at the forum for a long time and knew all the members, so I was off putted. Well my opinion has for sure changed and now see him for the importance that he brings to the forum, so sorry for misjudging him because he's actually pretty cool.

mordwyr: I still don't quite know about this guy, sometimes he's really cool and other times I don't know he comes off as a bit *******ish, so I'm borderline with the guy.

grindy: Awesome guy and he joined the forum about the same time that I did and he made himself fit in a lot better than I did in my opinion. He has a strange, yet really unique taste in music which I can always get down with (see Frownland for more info).

Overcast: I don't see this guy around as much as I wish I did because we always seem to get along, and his taste in music matches up with mine for the mist part.

Urban Hatemonger: Well i don't know the guy to well at all, but what I have gathered is a seriously funny mod. Again I really haven't gathered that much as of yet.

Goofle: Well this guy likes MF DOOM a lot so that automatically gets him on my list of people I like on here. We haven't talked all that much yet, but he seems like a really cool guy. Plus he liked my Facebook page so I'll always appreciate that.

Th-th-th-th-that's all for now folks!!!
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