Thanks, theyre awesome. Its also weird how animals have such personalities.. That top cat is the one Ive had since I was a li'l girl, and she's more like a dog or a person than a cat. She follows me everywhere, literally, and talks to me and stoof (sounds crazy I know). Shes the one that eats jaffa cakes when she's been really good, theyre like her favourite treat. The second cat down is the feline version of one of those people who loves everyone. She jumps on everyone that comes through our door, and pins them down, and her purr is louder than a freakin tractor. Third cat down is a total bitch, she hates everyone and everything apart from my mum. She got too coc
ky for herself once though, she tried to start a fight with a labrador, which ended in a lovely vet bill and 7 stitches.