Originally Posted by Freebase Dali
You're 25. You're in better shape today than you will ever be in 10, 15 years. Capitalize on it. Body shape is malleable until you die. That part is easy. Commit. Lines on the face? Well, might be inevitable, but I doubt you're dealing with the same sort of thing you might be dealing with when you're actually an old person. You're probably being hypercritical about that. Gray? I doubt it. Worn? Well, I'm sure that's more of a state of mind.
I'm proud of my thinness and will strive to be thinner until I'm dead, probably. It just tends to accentuate certain features of my face that I swear have been recent developments. Maybe it's just that most of the people I spend my days around are younger than I am and I'm terrified of aging.
Originally Posted by Chula Vista
Good lord.
no way, man.
I was striving to be a pin-up model in my youth.
now I just get creeped on by drug addicts and creepy old men.