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Old 12-09-2005, 08:18 PM   #71 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Originally Posted by Unitedbyrock
16. That explains it all. I know more about music than you ever will sunshine. Dont start an argument with me on music because I will annihilate you.

By the way it's 'modicum'

No it doesn't explain it all. Most of the time that I am not running or attending concerts, I research and get into new bands. I don't claim to be a genius. I claim to be more enlightened than your average 16 year old. hell than your average whatever year old. Besides, someone who still places Greenday above Rage Against the Machine...hmmm chances are you won't "annihilate" me in music knowledge.

In your opening post you stated that you had an ecclectic taste. If ecclectic is naming everything thats been played on the radio from 1975, that I guess I'd have to agree with you.

Greenday suck because they refuse to progress from the base levels of pop punk. Vague lyrics about their disillusionment, 4-5 power chords per song, verse chorus verse chorus song structure. They've been playing the same ****ing song for 10+ years.

and as for that last part OMGZZZZZZ!!!!11!!!1ONE!!!! A TYPO!!!!!!
One note timeless, came out of nowhere...
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