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Old 12-17-2014, 02:37 PM   #99 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Batlord View Post
Who ****ing cares? I'd rather screw my brain up with porn than do 99% of the things on Earth that are beneficial to me.
Technically, you could argue that all human behavior is constructed around the idea of "porn", or gratification. Everything we do is simply to maintain our homeostasis. We all "get off" on doing things that benefit us, as our brain releases feel-good neuro-chemical signals to reward us. Taking up a hobby in carpentry is just as "damaging" to your brain and behavior as watching literal pornography.

Actually it's a fascinating subject, as human behavior is so varied. If our behavior is patterned around attaining homeostasis, then why do people commit suicide? Why do some people shame themselves? How could such actions possibly gratify us? It gets into complex issues, like the level of human intelligence and our existence as social creatures creating a kind of "group-existence" that overrides individual existence. Also, there's the idea that our high levels of intelligence are able to alter the basic idea of what "survival" is, on a level where we consider normally detrimental behavior to be beneficial...

Oh wow. Did I just write all of that? Huh. Well anyway, to sum it all up, life is a wank. Enjoy it.
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