I currently reside in Nashville, via Chicago. Whilst living in Chicago, I had a multitude of opportunities to see live music. I never latched onto a specific scene, rather I kept an open-mind and sought out any noise that appealed to me. A majority of the noise I found was rock-oriented.
I saw a show for Ezra Furman & the Harpoons at a personal favorite venue, Double Door, in Wicker Park. Opening for them was tour mate, Tristen (Tristen Gasparadek). I was unaware at the time that Tristen was from the town of Lansing, where my father grew up. I believe she had already transitioned to Nashville at this point but that is neither here nor there. Both bands were touring to support new releases,
Mysterious Power (Ezra) and
Charlatans at the Garden Gate (Tristen).
My buddies and I arrived somewhere in the middle of Tristen's set and I was mesmerized right away. Her voice has something of an angelic quality, an innocence of sorts. And she is very attractive to boot. It was only her and her husband playing guitar with drum loops on keyboard. This was the first time I heard 'Doomsday'.
Wow! What imagery! What sounds! How possibly could you follow this? 'Baby Drugs'. That is how.
I will never falter, I will never fear
For I've seen the demons love can conquer disappear
Such positivity radiating from a lover is a sensation to be desired by all.
After a smoke break and some beers to calm my pounding heart (and a brisk conversation at the merch table to confess my sudden, undying love for this woman), Ezra appeared onstage in a glory of manic depression. He kicked it off with 'Mother's Day', featuring a resounding, crowd-led F
UCK that was heard throughout the neighborhood.
For the entirety of this set, I lost 5 pounds through sweat and blood (limbs swing when the band swings). This was the most emotionally energetic show I had witnessed to date. Everything that came from this lanky dude with a crazy spark in his eye was absolutely genuine. I somehow managed to move around at such a frenetic pace while balancing ever so delicately on his every word. This was a show that will most definitely make it into the stories I tell my children, nieces, and nephews.
After the show, my entire group went next door to the bar where Ezra and the band made an appearance. I was able to buy him a beer before they piled in the van to hopefully charm and excite someone new to his sounds in another town.
Further Listening:
Tristen - Charlatans at the Garden Gate (Spotify)
Ezra Furman & the Harpoons - Banging Down the Doors (Spotify)