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Thread: Metal Sucks
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Old 12-09-2005, 03:24 PM   #4 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 418

Originally Posted by bigdave117

I tried to listen to slayer - all of it sounds the exact same, and the gore lyrics are positively retarded

Iron maiden's lead singer sounds like a lil girl - I tried to listen to a few other popular ones and no luck there

metallica is the only one I liked and they are phenomenal...
When you say that you listen to tupac as well...
...let me tell ya this, tupac doesn't make your so called "list" of "musicians" any more wide!!! And you don't understand a single thing about the greatness of metal-or any other style, for that matter-if you only "survey" the stuff that is popular!!!There are many interesting bands that don't have to be called "popular" to be a good or better band!!!I kind of agree with the iron maiden thing when you talk about his voice, but still have to say that iron maiden is a good band..................I might consider them more rock/hard-rock than metal, though, ya know!!!By the way, the comment of the singer sounding "like a lil girl" is probally because he may want to be a "lil girl" considering the fact that he, I believe, does ballet!!!At the same time, don't let the ballet thing take you away from the fact that the band still made some great music!!!I mean, for God's sakes, there are guy artists that like guys in many different bands that, without you hearing about that fact, still enjoy to listen to............I'm sure of that!!! Speaking of Metallica...
...what did you not like their style b4?Now that Metallica has made "lesser quality" music, I guess you respect them now, huh?For slayer, what record did you listen to and did you listen to it all the way thru?I'd recommend "Seasons in the Abyss" to any1 interested in slayer...
...They are quite great on that album!!!

In closing, if ya don't learn to "judge" metal properly, it might just kick your judgemental littleass!!!
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