Originally Posted by Chula Vista
It's even funnier the second viewing. I just watched it the other night for the third time and picked up on some subtle little stuff I'd missed.
i'm honestly the type where if i do a second viewing it has to be a good while after the 1st. ADD on steroids
Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls
Do you laugh at people IRL more? I'm pretty similar to you in that it takes something I find really hilarious to get me to laugh during a movie/comedy skit. But I laugh a lot in my everyday life, I think as a subconscious reaction, so people don't feel bad that I don't find their jokes sh*tty.
i'm a little confused what you're asking tbh
i can't fake laugh at jokes if that's what you mean. i know sometimes its awkward and i'll even make a slight effort and give you a smile but i just can't bring myself to fake laugh.
now do i laugh more irl in general? yea cause i find people i click with and we talk **** about everybody and basically it's way funnier to me if it's real life.
edit - seen four lions mention several times. might as well go ahead and say i've already seen it.