Originally Posted by Ki
I've been a big fan of Robin Williams, even before his death (  ), so that'll definitely be a movie that I will watch.
then you might find it depressing tbh. i thought it was funny/entertaining but it was the type of movie where it would have made some sense to me if he killed himself after making it.
Originally Posted by DwnWthVwls
At least you kind of enjoyed it. I wasn't dying of laughter but as Ki said I liked the cleverness.
That woodchipper scene though... 
yea i enjoy subtle humor like that it just doesn't usually make me laugh. but i started this thread with the intention of basically getting new **** to watch so to me it's not a big deal that i didn't laugh at it cause i still enjoyed watching it. i'm just trying to be as honest as possible with my reactions. it's the kind of movie where i'd smirk instead of laugh. but to be honest i dont laugh easily at all at movies so that's not really a diss.
i watched in bruges... that **** was pretty funny. pretty dark but still funny. pretty much right up my alley. i can't comment too much more without spoilers but yea good one. not sure which one i'll do next.