Damn this thread is super active now.
I just want to weigh in on the ice cream debate here...I say screw ice cream altogether and go with 3 flavor sorbet. Or...as a true southerner...sherbert.
Originally Posted by Neapolitan
Goofle is a decent chap, why can't Freebase Dali aka Ticklemyveridical Friction and Duga Hauser be more like him.
This is so meta. Not only did you reference one of the key shows of my childhood but you also turned him german. This works on so many levels.
Originally Posted by Freebase Dali
By the way, Duga is one of the nicest guys around here 99 percent of the time. He's up there with Mojo and bob.
Thank you, sir. And I appreciate leaving me 1% of wiggle room. There is a line out there...and very few have crossed it...but it does happen.