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Old 11-30-2014, 05:59 PM   #6460 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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Originally Posted by ladyislingering View Post
I think we can all agree that worse things have been said to us by people we actually care about, and while I don't agree with some of the overly rude things said to some people, it really is just the internet. I think it's a pretentious and egotistical attitude for a man to think that strange women value what they think of their appearance at all, to the point where they need to share their opinion (as if it holds any weight) but the internet is a better place to be a dick than pulling that shit on someone you actually know.
Yet another one that does not understand that this thread was created for honesty, not circle-jerking. I apologize for your misunderstanding, however, if you feel that the only honesty this thread should have is the kind that makes people feel better about themselves, then let's talk about that. Otherwise, this isn't the entire internet and there are many other threads for that to happen however intrinsically. If you've a problem with the thread's intent, which, guess what... is about honesty, then do let me know how I can alter it so that it's not about honesty and is more about making people feel nice.

We can all be adults here. From me, to you. I can work on my tact, and you can start understanding why this thread is here in the first place, or maybe figure out that if you don't take criticism constructively, then you're not trying to learn anything about yourself.

Let's both give it a go, eh?
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