Originally Posted by Trollheart
I think it comes mostly from the experience with my sis. There are days I'd love to just vent, but hell, it ain't her fault and you just learn to keep these things in. Or rather, not quite. What you learn to do, what I learned to do anyway, is think before opening my big gob. Which is not to say we don't have blazing rows --- I'm no saint and she's no angel. But I would never want to use the "I gave up my life to look after you!" line in an argument (unwinnable at that point). While all of this has little to do with negativity per se, I think it does force you to be more tolerant. Which is not to say I haven't kicked the garden shed door or nearly broken my own bedroom door slamming it (and once, destroyed the light switch by angrily punching it out when she had called me for the third time at 4am) but you do tend to get a slightly more zen view on things. Most of the time.
I think the main thing with the vanilla comment for me really comes from a "trying to be" constructive place because I really think she uses so much makeup that it's detracting from her appearance and really just looks bad, but at the same time, I do understand that I don't have any business trying to act like some objective judge.
On the other hand, I wish someone had been critical of a lot of things I used to do before I learned how awful they were. And I think this might be one of those scenarios, so I do appreciate it. Thank you.