Originally Posted by Freebase Dali
I know what you mean. In one hand, I think it's functionally *easier* to live life that way. Certainly more harmonious. Human beings tend to not take criticism well. It invariably strikes at the ego of a person even when meant constructively, and relationships strain. And more to your point, it's easier to live as a human being that does not have negativity in his or her life, even if it is aimed toward others, because it's a burden. But on the other hand, where there are those that cannot help but to have criticism of others, those of us that have not learned how to ignore such a thing, be it personality flaws or just pure humanity, I think it's even more destructive to hold it in.
I think I've demonstrated that quite well yesterday.
I'm trying to be better about it. I always hold things in. A lot of things get to me and I want to be better at it, but it's a matter of changing the way I think versus holding my tongue. Until such a time where I'm truly only able to see positive things in others, which I'm not sure is possible, the only way I can operate is by adopting a policy of honesty.
But I could probably work on my tact. 
I think it comes mostly from the experience with my sis. There are days I'd love to just vent, but hell, it ain't her fault and you just learn to keep these things in. Or rather, not quite. What you learn to do, what I learned to do anyway, is think before opening my big gob. Which is not to say we don't have blazing rows --- I'm no saint and she's no angel. But I would never want to use the "I gave up my life to look after you!" line in an argument (unwinnable at that point). While all of this has little to do with negativity
per se, I think it does force you to be more tolerant. Which is not to say I haven't kicked the garden shed door or nearly broken my own bedroom door slamming it (and once, destroyed the light switch by angrily punching it out when she had called me for the third time at 4am) but you do tend to get a slightly more zen view on things. Most of the time.
Originally Posted by ladyislingering
posting from the grave at the moment.
hair still looks good for a corpse.
feels a bit hot down here.
Finally got to meet Marc, eh?