Originally Posted by Kashmir86
its been reffered to as classic rock for a long time, not old rock. thats why there are classic rock stations, and new rock stations. and i dont limit myself to solely classic rock, i just listen to alot more of it than newer rock because i think it is better, and i realize that is strictly my opinion, i dont care what everyone else listens to really. when i get tired of listening to rock music in general i find it relieving and relaxing to listen to classical music and jazz, which i am doing at this very moment.
Who said he was referring to you.......

There is some old rock that I like.
I love the Beatles. Pink Floyd was amazing.....though sometimes I got bored but all in all....they are very good.
I also like all of those Beatle-influenced pop bands of the 60s
I like Johnny Cash.
Some is very good.
It is bands like Lynard Skynard and Van Halen that ruin classinc rock for me