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Old 11-29-2014, 12:00 PM   #6 (permalink)
Wendy Gloyd
Join Date: Nov 2014
Posts: 1

Hi DrumSing,

Great topic! I've used the following legal download sites: iTunes and Amazon.
- Is there a reason you chose this? I used iTunes because I have a Mac computer and it is very easy. I used Amazon because I have an account and any purchases I have made of physical CDs I can often also get digital downloads of the same without having to import the CD into my computer's library.

I have never used free download site because I was never sure of the integrity of security. Not worth the risk to me. Yes, I have concerns about safety when downloading. And don't want to have strange popups or cookies dropped on my computer.

Streaming music: I have used Pandora - my favorite! And used Spotify a couple of times. Pandora has been around a long time and I've built up a library of music that I like so it is easy to go in and have Pandora play for me songs I like and others that I might like. The commercials aren't that long and are easy to dismiss.

I don't use satellite radio but I know others who have it in their cars. I don't spend enough time driving that it's worth it for me to pay for radio. I prefer to listen to audiobooks that I've downloaded from Audible (an Amazon company now) while I'm driving over music most of the time.

Thanks for asking!
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