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Old 11-28-2014, 09:07 PM   #11 (permalink)
Scarlett O'Hara
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Originally Posted by Urban Hat€monger ? View Post
In defence of Manky I would say that self confidence is something that can be highly irritating, especially if you think it's misplaced. And that's regardless of the sex of the person you're dealing with.

I can see exactly where he's coming from with Carpe because he hasn't exactly said anything she hasn't already told us herself.

I hate this 'men are scared of strong women' stereotype. Men find over-opinionated or over-confident women just as annoying as women find over-confident or over-opinionated men.
It's irritating if someone harps on about it all the time. Some people also act like they are super confident when they are really insecure (cover up).

Usually women love over confident and over opinionated men don't they? According to woman's romance novels anyway.

Personally I prefer penguins.
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