11-28-2014, 07:46 PM
#5 (permalink)
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 13,153
Originally Posted by WhateverDude
Soulflower: Seems to get misunderstood in a lot of arguments. I haven't read every debate she's been a part of but what I have read it seems people miss her points and repeatedly attack her for things she agrees on with them. Always came across as a friendly, impassioned person who only wants the best for everyone. Shame she's met with so much hostility.
Pet_Sounds: Don't appear to have much in common with him musically. Seems like a very mature and intelligent youngster with a bright future and friendly demeanor.
Chula Vista: Kinda weirded me out with the thread about his daughter the other day. A few things here and there I've seen him post struck a minor nerve but overall another friendly, fun poster. If I ate meat I'm sure I'd be trying every one of his recipes.
YorkeDaddy: I don't think I've ever seen the guy post anything positive about anything. I wouldn't doubt he's a more approachable person in person but over the forum it's almost like he waits to post until something he doesn't like comes up.
JWB: While I disagree with all of them he does make some interesting points in favor of his views. I wonder if he's the type of person who will always been cynical and aloof or if he'll change. Dunno how old he is but he also strikes me as smart and on the younger side.
Freebase Dali: Maybe he was trolling. Maybe he was wasted and made a fool of himself (been there bro). But some of the comments made, especially about WWWP and Vanilla, were in pretty bad taste. Rarely see much of him but that post made me think much less of the guy.
Love you too