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Old 11-28-2014, 06:07 PM   #3 (permalink)
John Wilkes Booth
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Join Date: Jul 2013
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Originally Posted by Goofle View Post
Do me. Do me.
dunno if this was aimed at me but tbh i haven't read enough of your posts to form much of an opinion other than that you seem to have decent taste in hip hop. except i think you mentioned being a kanye fan which while i won't lie i do like some of his music i'd love to smack him for his personality.[/QUOTE]
Originally Posted by WhateverDude View Post

JWB: While I disagree with all of them he does make some interesting points in favor of his views. I wonder if he's the type of person who will always been cynical and aloof or if he'll change. Dunno how old he is but he also strikes me as smart and on the younger side.
i said before i'm 27, slacker in high school / ADD like a mother****er cause i grew up kinda poor and it really didn't bother me not having money but then it took being stuck with bills and broke and working **** jobs to learn that lesson the hard way.the lesson that they tell you in school and you don't even really believe them somehow. so now i'm playing catch up.

i really don't think i'm that cynical though sometimes i say cynical **** cause it sounds good or it's sorta a half-joke but really i think the way i see things is really realistic. you seem like the sensitive hippie type to me who is smart enough but sort of in denial about the nature of existence and the way the world really is cause you want to always put a positive spin on it for motivation. that's just my impression though i could be way off.

freebase dali: earned my respect for being cut throat even if i don't agree with what he said about the women i respect that he would just say it to them. doesn't post much besides that so i couldn't form much of an opinion of him. seems pretty intelligent to me but then he's libertarian so i assume either he makes pretty good money or he doesn't know much about how the world works.
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