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Old 11-28-2014, 05:01 PM   #10 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Yeah that's true. Should have put the old colon in. That is what I meant but I see how it could have been misinterpreted.

FTR, this is what I meant: "The following question I am going to ask is a stupid one, as I'm sure you've considered this but..."

and this is what I did not mean:

"Your question is stupid.."

Apologies if I came across in that way, definitely not intended. I understand where your reply was coming from now.

Hope that clears everything up.

Also, imo if your wife has agreed to this arrangement then I don't think you should be penalised for it or slagged over it. After all, it's not like you said "You go out and work woman, I want to play my music!" is it? If you're both comfortable with the arrangement, fair play t'ye both. Is what I say.
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