Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon
It's a general statement, and if you think I'm upset he doesn't like my hair you're not paying attention.
As I said before, the negative comments aimed toward me personally in this thread (including several that have since been deleted) have all been regarding my appearance. The post slamming Vanilla was regarding her appearance. There have been posts about how sexy the women of this forum are countless times, but rarely if ever do you see people saying "Roxy has a great knack for knowing the exact song she should share to hook someone on a band." It's rather "Roxy's foxy." That simply doesn't happen to the men here. And yes, batty, #notallmen, but I'm not the only one who feels this way, I'm just the only one talking about it publicly.
The way I look should not be a point of discussion on a music forum of which I've been a part for nearly six years.
I sincerely appreciate the kind comments I've received over the last few pages and through pm. This forum is a good bunch as a whole, which is why I'm still around. But Freebase, that hurt dude. And I've lost respect for you as a friend and a person.
I totally missed this on account of tryin to bang you.
I think you are beautiful Steph! I also think you complimented my musical taste!

thank you.</3.
That was a compliment right?!