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Old 11-26-2014, 07:32 PM   #6131 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Just to be clear, JWB, what I was saying (which you seem to have missed or ignored) is that the fact that you put money --- and let's be honest, we're not talking thousands here. I know you say cash is tight but seventy dollars? Anyway it's not the amount that's important --- before the possibility of easing the pet's life or maybe extending it is what makes you seem heartless to me. I do not equate heartlessness with strength; in fact, it can take a lot more courage and fortitude to be weak. Em, that makes no sense but I think you know what I'm trying to say? Kind of takes more of a man to walk away from a fight than get involved in one? Sort of thing.

When we were getting the renovations for my sister's extension done, we had to put the cats into the cattery for five months. Cost us just over 4000 Euro (yeah I said thousands!). If that had been you, you would have had the choice of paying to board them or have them put down, would you have chosen the latter? Given that we hadn't got four grand, we are paying it off at 100 a month, so it's not impossible.

On the flipside, when Spook was near her time our vet told us she could go on a ventilator that might extend her life a bit, but she was too sick to survive. It would be 200 a week. At that stage, we decided not to pay for that, not because of the money only, but because there was no guarantee. You can bet if he had said this will cure her 100 percent I would have found the money.

Like I say, you either love pets or you don't and to clarify, PET OWNERS/LOVERS can't and don't put a price on a pet's love. That you could reduce your situation to a thing like "man I wasted seventy bucks" is what boils my blood and makes me think you're a heartless person. And I'm sorry to say, the more I hear from you the less I think of you.
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