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Old 11-25-2014, 12:11 AM   #2318 (permalink)
Dude... What?
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Originally Posted by John Wilkes Booth View Post
lol haven't had that problem myself. but too much beer will do it to me. i'm just trying to imagine being a pothead who can't eat ice cream. that's a strange concept to me.
Are you kidding? Vegan ice cream is beyond easy and way healthier. Albeit still high in fat. But supposedly good fat. Who the **** really knows when it comes to diet stuff... I just eat. But yeah man, cashews, avocados (yup, avocados), bananas (best by far), coconut... there's a lot of fatty fruits, veggies, etc that can be pureed and frozen and with the right process and balance with other things and flavors most won't even tell the difference. I've read about using xanthan gum, agar agar, and a few other things that give an even more similar consistency to 'actual' ice cream. The issue is mainly with caseine, it's the protein in mammal dairy that causes it to... I guess 'form' would be the right word... the way it does in different scenarios. It allows cheese to melt, be spreadable, ice cream to be rich and creamy withouth getting all icy... it's a magical thing and we're actually very close to being able to synthesize it.

I think the real issue a pothead runs into is whether or not they bought their favorite potato chips.
This is a more true statement. We have these chips at work though. It's like top ramen had a baby with chips and rolled around in chili flakes. It's magical spicy deliciousness and it is the only chip suited to my stonertimes,
I spit bullets in my feet
Every time I speak
So I write instead
And still people want me dead
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