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Old 11-22-2014, 02:14 AM   #2261 (permalink)
John Wilkes Booth
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Originally Posted by ladyislingering View Post
today I was piling shoes on to a shoe cart at work (as many of you know, these are used shoes - I work in a thrift store) and the pile reminded me of those pictures of thousands of shoes taken from Jews in Auschwitz and I sort of felt bad all day.
i dunno why but that reminds me of when i used to work at walmart. you know how when you work at a place too much and you start dreaming about it? i had this dream that there was one of those huge dump bins that they put cheap dvd's and **** in. but instead of dvd's it was full of puppies. and they were all piled on top of eachother and **** and it was a little messed up, but what struck me in the dream was i didn't notice how messed up it was until after i woke up. in the dream i was just amazed at the deal. like 5 dollars for a puppy that's a good deal man.
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