Originally Posted by Exo_
On Whiplash: Music porn indeed. I actually just got back from seeing it a second time. Even though I knew what was going to happen, I still had short of breath after it finished. It stills holds. I also rewatched Grand Budapest last night. That movie keeps moving up for me. It's a joy.
On Interstellar. I saw it a couple days ago. I haven't gotten around to reviewing it because I was so mixed on it. I agree with you, beautiful film, horrible script. The acting from MM was good though. I enjoy him.
Bob...I have a bone to pick. Let me preface this by saying that I love you and that you're awesome and this is no way a knock on you as a person. It's just something I have to say...
Please don't ask for your money back from the theaters just because you hate the movie. I'm assuming you did this after the movie finished...a three hour movie by the way.
In my time managing my theater, we had a strict rule. You may come out and ask for your money back AS LONG as you do it before the half way mark of the film. The film could be 90 minutes or four hours. As long as it is half way. I had a lot of people come out and ask for their money back after the movie had finished and I always told them flat out...absolutely f*cking not. You can't not go to a restaurant, eat a entire meal, and then ask for your money back because you thought it was sh*tty. You ate the whole thing. The thing with this analogy is that you can actually argue against it because the product is the directly from the supplier. They cooked your steak. They cooked it sh*tty. The theater did not make Interstellar. In fact, they had 0% to do with the production of the sh*tty movie you just experienced. I've walked out of movies. I always do so before the halfway mark, and if I don't make it before half way, I go home without my money back. It's not fair for the theater, who doesn't make D*CK on movie tickets anyway, to have to cough up the dough because you hated a film. My theater chain went out of business and we had theaters in NYC.
Bob, you're one of my favorite people on this site. I say this with love. Really.
it's really more of a on standing joke with three ushers at the theater i frequent....which is a luxury multiplex and IMAX
it started with me walking out of Maleficent 20 minutes into the film....and them having bets on how long it would take me to leave....i think they have a similar policy
and no worries ever my friend
and i agree 100% with Grand Budapest Hotel