1.Bargain Stinker - Atic Atac
2.Steinvord - Maelstrom (45 rpm version)
3.The Tuss - Rushup I Bank 12
4.AFX - Hangable Autobulb
5.Autechre - Iera
6.Karsten Pflum - Benk Retric
7.Astrobotnia - Hallo
8.Floex - Saturnin Fire And The Restless Ocean
9.Oneohtrix Point Never - Sleep Dealer
10.LFO - Ultra Schall
Pebble Pool
To those who are only familiar with EDM, house, whathaveyou, I suggest giving this a go if you are unfamiliar with other genres of electronic music. I would catheterize some of this as "IDM", but there's everything from breakcore, acid, ambient, ect. I worked hard on the flow of this, and settled on this, I felt it worked for an entire sitting based on multiple listens. Those even familiar with Aphex Twin, and Autechre, type stuff should give this a go too, I put a few unknowns on here just fer u guys

I hope some of you download this, listen to it, and get something out of it. I've always wanted to make a compilation like this, and I'm really happy about this one! Please tell me what you guys think! <3
PS. not all tracks are flac, about half of them are. It's pretty tough to find some files in flac format when some of these tracks weren't exactly "released". Also, I just need to update my library, but lazy.