You're probably sorted now but if I was you I would try out the Zoom G5.
For about 12months now I've been using my Zoom G5 for gigging and been very impressed with this fx unit. Its very easy to use, without looking at it right now I think I can use 9 fx's at once which is very handy for having multiple delay fx, more delay choices than the Boss GT100. Its basically like having separate stomp boxes and can be set in any line up order. The way I set mine up is through the fx loop on my amp ( H&K tubemeister36) this gives me a great tone for the modulation fx but for distortion I've a couple of joyo pedals going through the front end of the amp. Another great advantage on the Zoom G5 is the booster function. I've had the Boss Gt 100 a great solid looking unit but found the Zoom G5 easier to setup, easier to use for live situations and sounds less digital in MHO