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Old 11-15-2014, 11:59 AM   #14642 (permalink)
Still sends his reguards.
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Good to know it's on netflix....saw it twice in the theater and it was easily one of my top ten last year....such a beautiful film....and funny as hell

a little behind with some great films to review

"awards season" is my favorite time of year and 2014 is not disappointing

well maybe a little

as always with Exo's reviews....i don't read them when it's a film i really want to it's almost as fun to go back and read his thoughts once i finally get a crack at the film

and with me no longer making weekly trips to LA for work....i now have to wait what seems like eons before they come to Reno.....i am half tempted right now to hop in my car and drive 2 hours just to see Foxcatcher

at that....


i'm with you man almost 100%....

two words....


so again very simple premise but amazingly well done....the relationship between these two characters....who by the way are both completely fucking insane with ambition....and i really mean that both of these characters are like loony bin crazy....the things both of them do to each other and to every human being who has the unfortunate pleasure of their company is absolutely enthralling and pushes this film far beyond anything i was expecting....the scene where the kid forgets his sticks turned a popcorn filled theater into pure golden silence

both Simmons and Teller deliver probably two of the best performances of the year

did i mention MUSIC PORN.....seriously if i played jazz anywhere near the level the performers in this movie did....i would have left the theater and played till i bled (a continuing theme in this film )

movie of the year....not so of right now is it in my top three....yes


i have seriously mixed emotions on this film....and unfortunately my emotions involve major i'll keep this somewhat short

so first and foremost.....this is an absolutely gorgeous film....if you love space and even more so love space on the big must see this in the theater

that being said

i demanded my money back and almost walked out (by the way i do this often and it's only worked twice )

that is how horribly stupid the script was and the whole general theme behind it

had it not been for the wonderful effects, solid acting, and i will admit the drive to see what was going to happen in the end (which pissed me off beyond belief....just like fucking Contact)

i'll just leave it at was worth the time simply for how amazing the film is visually....thank satan the movie theater serves the was a three beer movie for me

so Exo you may be asking...what in the world could be better than word

Birdman: or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance)

well several words

this is....and probably will end up as the best film of the year for me....and with the amazing films all year long...that really is saying so much

so where to start

unlike Interstellar....the script is perfect....i know...this film is attempting to be meta for the sake of being meta...but it works so fucking perfect....the things the director is trying to say about film making and about the audience is so obvious that when he goes out of his way to mock's just pure genius

only one time this year did i actually say the word "wow" due to a in after a scene i was so taken back and breathless that the word "wow" escaped my mouth during the viewing....thank you Emma Stone

actually every character in this film gets a wow moment.....obviously Keaton gets most of the screen time...and seriously every second is worth it....but seriously every character has some moment where there is an intimate connection between them and the audience.....and every moment is bursting with emotion and reality....which is great because this film is anything but rooted in reality

EVERYBODY in this film deserves an award for acting.

that being said....the cinematography.....

if you all remember....last year a movie called "Gravity" came out and everybody raved about the 13 minute long tracking shot that the film opens with

well this film is shot in one take....just like Hitchcock's masterpiece Rope...

but like Gravity....Birdman cheats a bit on this concept....but it still works.....and every second that the camera is on is amazing.....the transitions are perfect and unlike Rope this takes place over several days and all over New York is nothing short of spectacular

also whats great about this film is...unlike other Inarritu films.....this one is re-watchable....although it still leaves you with the weight of the world on your back

trust me.....if you love the art of have to see this...cause that is exactly what this

can't say enough good things about Birdman

by far film of the year
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