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Thread: D Angelo
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Old 11-13-2014, 08:56 PM   #4 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by MISTERQCUE View Post
Simply put, D' got skilzz. He just needs to return to his "musical base" he established back when & RE-build from there.....

He's got the "foundation" (tho' it may have been buried by an emotionally deep "rock-slide"). Jus' gotta "dig" himself out....
D Angelo is not the "super star" type and he has always been that way. He is shy, private and doesn't really like being in the spotlight. He has had a lot of drug problems over the years so I am happy he is trying to get his life together. However, I am not sure what is holding him back from releasing the new album! He has a ton of new material that he performs live so he has enough to make an album.

I am still going to have faith though. Its been 15 years since his last album...he needs to release something and stop playing games!!!!!!
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