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Old 11-12-2014, 05:09 PM   #315 (permalink)
Born to be mild
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Okay, a few people have asked me to listen to this, so as I’m on something of a roll here with journal entries I’m gonna have a shot at it now.

Title: The Queen is dead
Artiste: The Smiths
Year: 1986
Chronological position: Third album
Previous experience of this artiste?: Singles and more singles
Why is this considered a classic? I have no idea.

My thoughts
One minute (or thereabouts in) ---- Good, great, bad, meh, still waiting or other? Meh
One track in --- Meh
Halfway through --- Meh
Finished --- Good to meh (can’t really decide)

Comments: I remember the Smiths as a vaguely bland boring band with some tall guy poncing about on stage at “Top of the Pops” with a leek or something sticking out of his back pocket. I was not impressed, and Morrissey’s warbling impressed me less. I must admit, I have heard very few Smiths tracks and those I have heard have probably been accidentally, like “How soon is now”, which I heard when I watched “Charmed” (shut up!) so this is my first (and probably last) full Smiths album.

It’s a gutsy title for sure; one thing you don’t do in the UK is slag off ‘Er Majesty, but then I guess that’s what Morrissey and Co were aiming for. I’ve never liked his voice, there’s just something about it that grates on me, so the title track doesn’t do a lot for me, though Johnny Marr’s guitar playing can’t be faulted of course. Unfortunately, it seems that every time he winds up for a good solo Morrissey drones over him. One thing I do note about this song is that it is way, way too long. Just wanders on for about two minutes after it could have comfortably ended. Not a great start, my friends. Not a great start.

“Frankly, Mr Shankly” sounds like something Chas and Dave would have refused to record on the grounds of its being too corny, but at least it’s short, which is not something I can say about “I know it’s over” (though it isn’t. Over, that is), a nice bluesy ballad with another morose vocal from the Big M. Very nice bass lines. Oddly, I can hear Kim Wilde singing this… Yeah. It’s a pretty damn depressing album so far, not that I didn’t expect that but it’s sort of like listening to music with your head stuck in the oven. Gas, of course. The next track is slow too, and boring as hell. Yawn. Okay, oddly a song called “Cemetery gates” actually kicks the tempo up, and it’s not bad at all, very indie rock, kind of reminds me of Deacon Blue or Ivyrise. Like this one. First one I have liked, but I like it.

Okay, now we’re getting somewhere. “Bigmouth strikes again” is another boppy, uptempo song, but again I hate Morrissey’s voice so it’s hard to really like any of the songs. Really hard. If I have to choose though this would be one I don’t completely hate, and Marr’s guitar is sparkling and vibrant, let loose for once. Sounded like fiddle or something there but I can’t be certain. “The boy with the thorn in his side” continues what I see as the resurgence of this album, making me like it a little more, or hate it a little less. Nah, I don’t hate it. But maybe dismiss it a little less?

The next one is too rockabilly for my tastes though, the one after that I like and the closing track is a pleasant, boppy song that’s inoffensive and light, and takes a little away from the overall doomy, gloomy feel (lyric-wise) of this album. The music’s (mostly) uptempo and the lyrics are downbeat, and it’s hard to reconcile the two really.

Favourite track(s): Cemetery gates, Bigmouth strikes again, The boy with the thorn in his side
Least favourite track(s): Frankly, Mr. Shankly, Never had no one ever, Vicar in a tutu

Final impression --- Started off slowly and very plodding, but definitely got better after the first three or so tracks. Still not something I’d revisit and hasn’t changed my already-formed opinion of The Smiths. Would not be a fan.

Do I feel, at the end, A) I wish I had listened to this sooner
B) I'm sorry I bothered
C) I might end up liking this
D) Have to wait and see
E) Bit underwhelmed; was ok but a classic?
F) Definitely enjoyed it, but again would I consider it a classic?
G) Enjoyed this album just purely on its own merits
H) Glad I listened to it

E again

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