i got that drunk one time at work when i worked at this deli. i wasn't a drinker and i was basically experimenting so i stole a big bottle of wine (1500ml) and put it in the walk-in fridge and hit it from time to time. then i spiralled out of control and got too drunk and started dropping **** and customers could notice. then i went up to the register and this chick i knew asked me for a drink and i stole one for her but i did it too blatantly cause i was drunk and the manager asked me for a receipt and i said i don't have one. then he said go home and come back monday to talk which i took as i was getting fired so i went in the back and finished the wine (had about a half bottle left) to destroy the evidence. then i blacked out and apparently started threatening to kill the manager though i'm pretty sure i was joking (at this point i'm going off what other people told me). then the chick i stole the water for apparently tells me she likes me and i criticize her for telling me that **** while im drunk as **** cause i liked somebody else better. then they called the police/paramedics and apparently i was being a cocky bastard to them too. told them i was allergic to peanuts for some strange reason. then my dad's friend came to the rescue and picked me up and prevented me from getting arrested. then i tried to piss on my dad's recliner cause i thought it was a toilet. then i woke up the next day sick as ****.