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Old 12-06-2005, 11:48 AM   #1097 (permalink)
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abortin is murder in my opinion. what youre doing when you get an abortion is killing another human being, another life. so its pretty much murder. and i know there are certain circumstances that will be brought up like is a woman got raped and got pregnant or bladdy blah blah. im still sticking to my choice...whatever that is.

as far as suicide goes. everybody says that suicide is cowardess and in a way it is. i used to think suicide was the stupidest thing ever until two things happened. 1)i started to think about suicide (not seriously though) and 2) a friend of mine committed suicide last year. i still think its the wrong thing to do but i guess i have a sort of empathetic view to people who do committ suicide. however, no one should under any circumstances help someone comit suicide. you should be tryign to help the person ratehr than harm them. this reminds me a lot of days of our lives...when jack wanted billie to help him comitt sister watches it...shut up.
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