Every now and again I do the rare lurk and so noticed this thread.
Originally Posted by Mojo
I'd probably use this site more often these days if Molecules, NumberNineDream, 333, Astronomer, Piss Me Off, NSW, Sneer, dankrsta, tore and Bulldog still posted here.
Thanks Mojo

You'd be on my list as well for sure.
Originally Posted by Lisnaholic
To get the ball rolling, I am curious about tore and bloozcruz for instance. Does anyone have any news on these guys?
Hey Lisnaholic
I'm doing very well. Still married, got a job I'm happy with, house, little home studio with some awesome guitars ..
I left the site for a few of reasons, all of which probably still apply. I could go into detail, but it's probably been said before and I'm not really eager to bring it up again as I'm sure it would only annoy the people who still put work and effort into this site and to which the whole community owes a lot.
I can't help popping back in for a quick look now and then out of curiosity. Maybe it's driven by some sense of sentimental value.