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Old 10-29-2014, 09:23 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by grindy View Post
Well, Han Bennink came to my mind first as well...
Paul Lovens is incredible. You should check out "Regalia" together with Cecil Taylor. Just mindblowing drum/percussion work.

Chris Cutler might be my favourite drummer, but he is no jazz drummer. But on the other hand Henry Cow's first album was at least partially JazzRock, so naming him is somewhat justified.

Joey Baron is also wonderful, although he does a lot of rock and other stuff as well.
Here's a solo performance:

I also really like Chris Corsano. Incredibly talented guy.

Paul Lovens and Joey Baron are among my favourites. I'd only heard some of Corsano's stuff before, but it turns out he's on a lot of great records I already like too. Have you heard Sunny Murray? My favourite drummer who's worked with Cecil. He also did a lot of stuff with Ayler and basically invented the blast beat.

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