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Old 10-28-2014, 05:15 PM   #10 (permalink)
Lord Larehip
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I bought "The Book of Secrets" back when it first came out in '97 because it had a version of "The Highwayman" on it--a poem by Alfred Noyes written around 1906 or so. A world class piece of literature. She set it to music although she is not the first to do it. I know Phil Ochs did it too. I've loved the poem since I was a young boy and could recite it in its entirety by the time I was 7 and still can.

Loreena Mckennitt- The Highway Man - YouTube

While I do like McKennitt's version, it doesn't really capture the goose-pimply feel I get from the words--especially when accompanied by the artwork of Miska and Maude Petersham. Besides, she skips at least one verse as I recall. I thought this first track off the album did a much better job of capturing the chill:

Loreena McKennitt - Prologue - YouTube

"Skellig" is also a beautiful song. The version of "The Highwayman" I first read was in a Childcraft series that my parents bought before I was even born, so I grew up with it. I can't separate the artwork from the poem. To me, they belong together--inseparable. Here are the plates:

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