the poster shown here was the same poster in every major newspaper and on the side of bus stops in major cities in America
the woman on the poster is clearly wearing a tight white silk dress and has hard nipples
the poster itself represents something the director was trying to say about rape the woman in the picture...who is in fact raped by a gay male who has no sexual desire for her.....but rather looks at rape as a sadistic pleasure...which is exactly what it is....the rape scene is vile and represents just what this act is.....and the only way to represent that is to show it for what it is
on that....funny that in this movie nobody talks about the man getting his head bashed in with a fire extinguisher while men in a circle masturbate.....but they talk about the 9 minute rape scene of a beautiful woman in a tight dress....this is exactly what the director wanted to expose
i can totally understand your situation here....i just find it sad that someone actually had to report something so obviously not offensive....provocative yes....but not offensive....just to get a rise out of their own pathetic ego