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Old 10-20-2014, 10:01 AM   #49 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Wpnfire View Post
How can you compare DS9 to the other series? It was like one room for the majority of the show. That's like saying there was character development in 12 Angry Men: of course there was character development. That was like all they had to work with from season to season.
What was one room? Anyway, it has to be compared to the other series as they're all Star Trek. You might as well say Stargate: Atlantis shouldn't be compared to Stargate: SG1. Of course they'll be compared.

But I still don't get you. You're saying Voyager was "one room"? That's certainly not accurate: they often went on away missions, had the odd flashback and engaged in space battles. It's not like everyone was on the bridge and that was the show. Anyway, a good series can overcome such limitations. One episode of Babylon 5 featured just two men in an interrogation chamber and was one of the most powerful pieces of drama I've ever seen. The restriction on location should not give it a pass --- they had the whole Delta Quadrant to explore...
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