i think whateverdude was the first to call me toast in the music banter plug room.
neapolitan's right about my avatar and name. i stole my username from
this song, and i've had it for awhile now.
i like all the nicknames.
Originally Posted by Mondo Bungle
Keramon is an Unidentified Digimon whose name and design are derived from the onomatopoeia for cackling (けらけら Kerakera?), and as such it has an insanely grinning face. It digivolved from Tsumemon. Its physique has gotten larger, and with its huge mouth, it can eat away at much more data than Tsumemon could. Because it eats away at more than 100 megabytes of data per second, the data is destroyed the instant it enters Keramon. Due to its extremely cheerful personality, it thinks of its destructive actions as just part of its play.
how d'ya like that
oops. i hope that didn't seem offensive. i just think you take in a lot of information/data (i.e. finding new bands to listen to and whatnot).
Originally Posted by Janszoon
I have to confess, I don't understand my Robocop thing. Is it a Pokemon? Does it have a name?
that's andromon. it's cool and so are you! its description didn't really fit why i made the comparison. i think you listen to a unique blend of music and andromon's pretty eccentric. from what i remember from season one, it was a fairly nice digimon too.
giant debaser
Originally Posted by RoxyRollah
Thank you Toast!
Originally Posted by The Batlord
"Inferior Starting Pokemon" perhaps?