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Old 10-17-2014, 05:05 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Calling all nerds! Star Trek moderator required!

Unable to accept my superior logic (and that of 90% of Star Trek fans) --- yeah, that's made up: you can prove anything with statistics. 80% of people will tell you that! --- that Voyager is pants, The Batlord has accepted my challenge to go head-to-head in a collaborative journal, starting soon, where we will debate the pros and cons of this stain on the Star Trek universe.

But he says he's right and I say I am: who's to decide? That's why we need a moderator for our debate. Preferably someone who knows Trek, if not Voyager (as there will be related comments used) but really it's just to look at our submissions and decide, on each occasion, who has presented the best case?

We'd need someone who was willing to basically read the entries say once a week and then make a determination as to who edges it that week. Anyone interested? It's not 100% vital we get a moderator, but I think it would be a good idea, if someone is up to the task and thinks they'd enjoy it.

Any takers?
Trollheart: Signature-free since April 2018
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