Van der Graaf Generator
All right...either I once again screwed up somehow and opened a thread that's already been there, or (and this is would be much sadder) there isn't a thread about the mighty Van der Graaf Generator, one of the classic prog bands.
I admit, at first I didn't like them. What were those reviewers talking about? A great singer? This guy? He's just pompus and annoying.
Good music? It seems flat and a little monotonous at first. And the melodies don't grab you immediately.
But gradually they grew on me. At least I found Godbluff cool.
Then, about half a year ago it really hit me. Now I even like the new albums. I can't get enough of them. I can hardly listen to anything else. One or two other albums perhaps, then it's back to VdGG.
I even got into Hammill's solo stuff, despite my aversion against singer-songwriter music.
Any fans here? I can't be the only one, can I?