The Sex Pistols were created by Malcolm Mclaren to be an imitation of Richard Hell, a punk rocker from New York who had spiky hair and safety pins in his beat-up clothing. Here is a direct quote of McLaren's: "I was going to imitate it and transform it into something more English". So he found a desperate band, made them look like Hell (In more ways than one), and waited for the money to roll in. Don't take my word for it, look it up.
And by the way, The Sonics are a great punk band that beat the Sex Pistols by ten years. You may say they're a "garage band" rather than punk rockers, but I fail to see the distinction as most punk bands were just bands that, incidentally enough, practiced in garages, listening to none other than the garage bands of yore.
But it's pointless trying to argue who was the "first" or "best" punk rocker. There were plenty of jazz players who sang dirty-as-hell rough songs. I'm sure there were a few composers/folk musicians who were delighted to have a counter-culture image that really got a rise out of people.
Now stop arguing about the chicken and the egg and listen to what you enjoy.