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Old 10-13-2014, 02:55 PM   #10 (permalink)
Thelonious Monkey
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Join Date: Sep 2014
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Pet_Sounds - One of the first people I met on this forum. I like his humorous posts, and I think he is pretty mature for his age. I am not really into the music he likes yet, as I haven't really bothered. But he does seem to have a good taste in music, nonetheless, and he seems willing to try anything. I still haven't got round to listening to his playlist he gave me when I first joined. I feel guilty.

WhateverDude - I think this guy has problems. Now I don't know much about his life, but from what I have observed, he drinks and does drugs nearly every freaking day. Which is pretty ****ing unhealthy. It is not going to do him any good in the long term. Then again, he seems to have a great personality, and seems to be a really fun guy. I like his outlook on life, and his laid back personality.

DwnWthVwls - I used to think this guy was a girl. And that, his avatar was actually a picture of him. Nope, just another guy. I don't know everything about what he likes, but I know he listens to a lot of rap/hiphop. I think this is my go to guy for rap knowledge and album recommendations. But I haven't been listening to a lot of rap lately. Cool guy overall.

Soulflower - My favorite member on MB. I spend too much time with her on plug and she is a really awesome person. She is sweet and has a great personality. Because of how much time I have spent on plug with her, she has introduced me to a lot of awesome artists, that I otherwise would have just ignored. I disagree with a lot of the points she makes on here, but respect the fact that she never gives up speaking her mind.

The Batlord - Absolute twat. The biggest loser on this site. Huge ****ing ego. Calls himself The Batlord because Batman touched him when he was little. Musical tastes? Just **** tons of metal. Is he funny? Nope. There is a difference between funny, and being an *******. In all seriousness though, I like his passion for comic books, and his reviews are...sorta funny.

You wanted my honest opinions. There you are.
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