American Psycho
It's October. I used to be a huge Misfits fan, but now this glorious month is the only time I ever actively listen to these guys. Still fun for a chilly afternoon.
Run the Jewels,
I don't know if I've ever said on this board how ****ing much I love this mixtape. For your information I REALLY ****ING LOVE THIS MIXTAPE. I'm getting hyped as hell for the new album, and I've been pumping a lot of
RAP Music, various El-P, and of course, this.
Flying Lotus,
You're Dead!
Ugly-ass album cover, but great music. I don't know if I could say that I'm destroyed by this or anything, but it's more Flylo. What else could I ask for? Oh, and also, I think the Snoop Dogg verses on "Dead Man's Tetris" are hilarious.
Ruff Draft (reissue) and
Jay Loved Japan
Nothing really to say about Dilla that hasn't been said. I got in the mood to listen to him, decided on two albums I hadn't listened to yet, obviously loved both of them. Duh.