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Old 10-13-2014, 10:20 AM   #11 (permalink)
Mate, Spawn & Die
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Originally Posted by Carpe Mortem View Post
Janszoon and Ninetales are both really into and knowledgeable about music, which is cool, but have attitude problems. They seem to take differing opinions as insults which is why I usually won't respond to them when they quote me. And maybe that's just me being sensitive, not sure, but they just seem a little bitchy and I haven't seen anyone mention that yet. I think if they were less bitchy seeming I'd definitely talk to them more.
lol. I have to say I've never observed that from Ninetales at all. He's always seemed to have a pretty lighthearted and humorous approach to conversation. As for myself, I enjoy discussing and debating music with people and I don't take disagreement as an insult at all, I take it as another point to discuss. Not sure why you're interpreting that the way you are. Maybe you're just sensitive.
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